Tuesday, September 16, 2008

giving to a good cause

So my crazy B-I-L is doing several runs/races in the next few months and he has choosen to run in name of a charity.
he has choosen the Lance ARmstrong foundation which is an AWESOME charity that funds all sorts of cancer research. As of late I have been kind of bitter about how "all of a sudden", now that we have gotten HIV/AIDS, as well as other diseases under control, people and Hollywood have decided that "cancer" is an issue. Where they have been for the past several hundred years, is beyond me. However, The Lance Armstrong Foundation is a great foundation and Lance Armstrong has really brought the issues of cancer reserach and care to the fore front.

I very rarely play the "dead father" card (except when I want my niece to quit whining and utilizing her past as a crutch) because its not called for...however, i am using it now. My father died of cancer when i was 14 after 3 and half years of a horrible fight. 4 years later, a new drug to help fight his form of cancer was found. Perhaps it could have been found faster if more money was thrown into cancer research.

Please PLease PLease visit and donate to my brother-in-law's fund raiser.
Here is his personal website:

Thank you!

1 comment:

Chris said...

Thank you. I really appreciate the help. It means a lot.