Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I am trying to blog everyday...except, i dont think i have something witty, or exciting to say everyday.....Life tends to get into routines, which is fine...but it doesnt make great blogging materials.
For instance, my day:
woke up, went to work, treated a bazillion patients, including my somewhat cranky gorup today, left owrk, helped babysit for 45 minutes, drove home, went to dinner, took down the kayaks, took a shower, fed the dogs (late, sorry puppies), sat my ass on hte couch to blog, stalk people on Facebook, check the tabloids (and CNN and Huffington) and watch TV.....

Not great bloggin materials...im sure you all are fast asleep. Hopefully i will have greater materials for tomorrow...perhaps some pictures from LBI i will steal from Merry or Angie or some pictures of MAco and I trying to teach Angie how to ride a bike (also interesting)....we'll see!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Guilty Pleasure #5

TMZ.com....and people.com....and wonderwall....and other random gossip sites.

Yes, I, Thais Kristina Petrocelli Migliaro, a person of sound mind and some intelligence, admit to loving to read the gossip websites.
It all started with my closeted reading of PEOPLE magazine. I seem to buy this magazine every week. I absoltly refuse to get a subscription, because i should be reading more intellectual magazines such as TIME or Newsweek. However, I love people magazine and can not resist buying it when i see it on the shelf (unless brad or angelina are on the cover, becuase frankly, they are dead to me after the jennifer aniston fiasco) There is nothing i like better then to come home from shopping, unpack all my stuff and then sit down on my couch and read my People magazine.
Well, my love for people magazine, in addition to my sometimes boredom/avoidance at my old job led to my addiction to people.com, as the state of nj had not blocked to this site. I love this site. For some reason, i enjoy seeing what Jessica Simpson ate for dinner, or the latest Jon and KAte fighting.....Its sick, i know. This past week, my BIL told me about TMZ...which i now check 4-5 times per day!!!! I think what also pushed my need to read the gossip sites is also my Other guilty pleasure of watching crappy reality shows/train-wreck TV, such as The Duggers, Jon and KAte, Girls NExT Door, etc etc (i have even watched the Tori Spelling show when home sick...i am not proud of it, but really, there is nothing on during the day).
Now, i do stay away from sites such as "ok" and "national enquire" and " US Weekly", as i feel those are less reputatble....not like people.com is more reputable, but i feel like they have better info.

yes, i am sad and pathetic....i could be spending my time on-line pursuing a masters degree or learning a new language...instead i am searching reading about Katie Holmes latest hair style......so so sad....

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Back from Vaca

We just returned from a FABULOUS week at LBI. We rented a house with my BIL, SIL, and Big E. The 6 of us had an awesome time, despite the weather. There was really only one day that was a total "washout", but we managed to keep busy! We did all of the things that i love to do at LBI, including eating at Skipper Dipper 3 times!! (not that i really had to twist any one's arms to ea ice cream). WE all got a little burnt (ok, chris got fried) on Thursday, but it was a perfect beach day.
So glad that my family got to spend time with me in a place that i have been going my whole life and love so much! CAnt wait to go back!

(...wow, did i just actaully write a positive, non-hostile blog post? Vacation sure did me some good!)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

light bulbs

As many of you know, I HATE change...i really do....I get all sorts of stressed and rebel against it...usually things turn out ok and i worry for nothing....

I think that is why i am so upset about the new energy saving light bulbs.

yes, i realize i am psychotic.

So, you know those "energy saving" light bulbs you can buy now that are shaped retardly and apparently last 2 years (which I think it TOTAL BULLSHIT!)? I HATE THEM!!! They are so so freakin' ugly! Light bulbs hsould be shaped like....LIGHT BULBS!!!! Thomas Edison's invention has lasted over a hundred year...why fuck with success, I ask you?!

I think it the shape of the "new" light bulbs that pisses me off the most....it is so ugly! And they are so ridiculously bright! Even though it says "60 watts"...its like 100 watts!! AND EXPENSIVE!! You hsould be able to buy light bulbs at the dollar store, as far as i am concerned...we paid $9.00 for two of those ugy contraptions!!! WTF!?

yes, i know i have lost it....I actually got into a lengthy arguement/temper tantrum in Target when my husband "insisted" on buying them becuase they are energy conscious, environmentally sounds, blah, blah blah, blah........I think the words "FUCK THE ENVIRONMENT" actually came out of my mouth.

Needless to say, i lost the arguement (temper tantrum) and we now own ugly-shaped, non thomas-edison, over-priced, way-too-bright, "environmentally" friendly lightbulbs....

like i said "fuck the environment"........I HATE CHANGE!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

two AMAZING things!

Number 1
I am so so excited - After 3 years of living in this house, we have finally decided what to do about the front landscaping...basically that involved hiring a landscaper...heheheh...but they finalyl came to day and it looks AWESOME!!

Number 2
Chris (my BIL) came camping with MArco and I last weekend!!!!!!! Ok, so he just came up for dinner and campfire fun, but he came out to the wilderness!!!! Bugs and all!!! It was very exciting!!! We took a picture to prove it - note the tent and campfire in the backgrounds!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Things that annoying me

Ok, this is possibly me being over critical or over dramatic (things i can do quite well)...however, I just need to vent.

Now, I understand that everyone in this country has their own opionion on things and I respect that...believe it or not, i do...Most everyone knows I am a bleeding heart liberal. I understand that many people dont hold that value. The first thing we are always taught as children is to never talk politics, as it just brings out arguements and you are never going to change anyone's opinions....case in point, i know that my bro-in-law and sis-in-law are pretty much republicans...and yet they are some of my best friends....we just dont talk politics (or if we do, its just them making fun of me...in a humorous, non-competative way).

So, I log onto Facebook today and someone I went to college with must have been bored and took all of those stupid quizzes. Now, I try to keep facebook light-hearted, as it is a social networking sight basically for people-stalking and boredom. Granted, I have my own opionions....but i dont post messages about it, i dont take "quizzes" etc.....

So this person I went to college took all of these "opinion" polls and they pop up on my homepage...first off , i had when people take more then one quiz at a time on facebook,becuase it clogs up the status report thingies.....secondly, this perons took all hot button "social issue" quizzes.....

The first one is "I dont agree with assisted suicide" with a huge parargrapg narative....ok, while i dont agree, that one ill give you....

The second one is about "abortion"...now, as everyone probably knows, I am pro-choice.....however, i do not go around advertising that on Facebook, because that is such a hot button issue and not something I wish to discuss on facebook.....well this person (of course) Check "i do not agree with abortion" and then there is another huge paragraph explanation.

The third one was "gay marrige".....and you can only guess that this person is OF COURSE, against gay marriage.

Well, at this point I have had enough and my bleeding liberal heart is bleeding some more....and since I'm a loser, I think the best pay back is to go ahead and click that i am Pro-gay marriage (which I am----they are people just like you and I).....I had just reached my breaking point and played into the "Game"....It just pisses me off because this particular person (who i doubt is reading this blog because a) many of my prior posts are equally offensive, im sure and b) Im pretty positive that I only have 5 regular readers {chris, merry, bourtney erica and amy} and 3 occasional other readers {family members} who just read my blog to see if i am being offensive ) was like BEST FRIENDS with a person who was gay in college and, if my memory serves me correctly, even WENT to a gay club with us in college ....and now she is say that shit on facebook?!? WTF!? Its like saying "oh you are my good friend, i love hanging with you, your so fun...but i dont think you deserve that same rights as me, becuase i am a conservative straight christan and am more entitled to basic human rights then you are because i am better because I was born genetically pre-determined to like people of the opposite sex"...blah blah blah...I am actually really proud of myself because i didnt post a smart-ass comment on her facebook site or a smart ass comment as my status...like anyone really cares, because im sure they dont....but STILL!!

ok, so i guess this rant makes no sense to any one but me, and if i have offended any one, i dont really give a flying fuck. I do oddly feel better though...hmmm....ok, enough "politics" for awhile...back to talking about the weather!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


This one is after she consumed lots and lots of Gatorade....yummmmmmmmm....

BIg E taking a nap!

Big E surfing!

AS you know, my husband is OBSESSED with kayaking. This past weekend Marco , Merry and I took Big E kayaking. Needless to say, our little adventurer had the time of her life. Merry posted these pictures on facebook, but i felt like i needed to share them here.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

She's a Killer!!! (pronouced "KEEL -- ER" with a bad southern hick redneck accent)

I put this picture up because you can see how ferocious Chloe is...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.........look at her lion face.............she is deadly!!!

Ok, may be not.

However, as of June 3rd, 2009, its Chloe - 3, Cute furry Bunnies - 0.

Chloe has been catching and killing the bunnies that dare enter 132 Thomas ST. yard space. I am somewhat proud of her.....those bunnies are fast and Chloe is less then athletics. In fact she is famous for needing "rest breaks" when we walk her to the park (less then a mile away). but somehow she manages to get these bunnies in short bursts of adreneline.

I also feel bad for the bunnies as well. Somehow it is my job to scoop up the dead bunnies and dispose of them...mostly becuase my husband cant handle blood and guts too well....i have finally managed to get him to hold the "body bag". Im not going to lie, but it kind of stinks coming home from work to dispose of bunny bodies....oh well! hopefully the body count wont continue to climb!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Marco quote of the night

poor marco is not feeling well...i have to share his cute quote of the night....

" I am driving somewhere for something yummy to make me feel better and you are paying for it!"