Tuesday, March 31, 2009

whiny bitches

So I have been home with the stomach ick for two days....It is now 220pm and there is NOTHING to watch on TV....except those train-wreck shows such as Baby Story.....which, of course, like a train wreck, it is a horrific thing but you cant help but watch!
Today there is this crazy lady who already has a sosn who is only 1 years old and is currently getting ready to pop out triplets.....her and he husband decided when their 1st son was 3 months old, they hsould go back to the fertility doctor and try to have another because they wanted their son to have a playmate...low and behold, they had triplets, as tend to hapen with fertility treatment....
so this entire episode this woman has been crying and whiny that she "didnt know it was going to be so hard" , " i dont know how ia m going to manage" and she feel her first son will "not have a normal childhood" and will "be overshadowed" by the arrival of triplets...she also movced aBACK in with her poor parents for the last 3 weeks of her pregnancy because she couldnt deal.....now she is screaming at the nurse because her 1 year old is not allowed back in labor and delivery to "hang out" ...seriously...now she is exclaim at how she cant belive how "jealous" her one year old is....omg....................................ok, now i know my tolerance for baby-crazy people is somewhat low.......ok, its actually nil.....but COME ON!!!!!!!!! Did you actually htink it would be EASY to jsut pop out 3 more kids and take care of a one year old? Shouldnt these be questions that you and your husband should discuss BEFORE you get knock up? Its not like her gettin pregnant was a "oops" or anything...I really want to jump through the TV and slap this bitch...and her husband for going along with it!!!!!
ok, back to more train-wreck TV---i think the "Duggars" and "I didnt know I was pregnant" are on later today....OH NO! I am wrong!! "Briging home baby " is on...this is the show where they pick out two complete morons and follow them around for 36 hours after they have their kid....oh the drama....ok, not sure i can handle more whining so im giong to go watch the weather channel or something....

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


So, as some of you MAy or MAYNOT know, I absolutely refuse to pay money for shampoo and conditioner....its ridiculous the amount of money it costs to buy the "special" stuff.....I absolutely refuse to spend 6.99 for small bottle of Pantene conditioner....especially because i have thick hair and i have to put a crap load of shampoo and conditioner in my hair...Not to be conceited at all here, but i have in the past received a compliment or two about my hair ...people ask if i use pantene or something special.....the answer is "no"...my secret is actually kind of gross---i dont wash it everyday and i very rarely blow dry it all the way (usually only about 25% drying by blowdryer)...yes , i know, "HORRIFYING" but my hair doesnt look like i stuck it wet into an electrical socket and french fried it....I have always bought "off" brands or generic equivalents....I usually buy Suave, because it has a really great clarifying shampoo...but i digress, because the whole point of this blog is that I want to list.....
GUILTY PLEASURE #3 --which is Coconut flavored conditioner....i love it...i feel like a three year old when i open up the bottle and sniff it...sometimes i even giggle...but i absolutely love using the sugary sweet smelling conditioner....this pleasure also holds true to "groovin' grape" conditioner as well.....hehehehe

Sunday, March 22, 2009

2 blogs in one night---holy shit!

So, I am starting a new feature in my blog (thanks for the idea amy)..I am calling it "Guilty Pleasures." We all know what these are...these are those things or moments that you indulge in even though they are the stupidest things ever and you think that everyone would think you are crazy for doing/thinking/ enjoying them...however, usually, you come to find out that other people have similar guilty pleasures....at least, you hope that...well, even if you don't, maybe you can geta laugh out of how retarded I am.....so, here is my inaugural section:

Guilty Pleasure #1
Driving my car, blasting "Boyz II Men" songs at top volume, while singing along....selects include, but are not limited to, "MoTown Philly" and "Thank You"

Guilty Pleasure #2
Eating potato chips on your cold cut/sub sandwich....yummmoooo...especially good if they are salt and vinegar flavor

sweating to the Iditerod

So, when i was younger, my mother used to iron to the "Sweating to the Oldies" videos...I never saw her "sweat" to these videos, but they seemed to be great for ironing...she always told me she was "preparing" by watching them thoroughly....
Well, tonight, marco and I just watched 2 hours of the iditorod (yes i am aware that we are losers, but cute dogs in beautiful alaska? its a win-win). Now, Chloe loves watching dogs on TV. We often watch dog-based shows just to see her watch TV, and whine and walked up to the TV and nose it...once she actually licked the TV screen, much to my husband's dismay....well, it seems as if WATCHING the Iditerod has tired her out....she has been sleeping for basically the last hour soundly on the floor (also an odd thing, as she is a spoiled brat and usually sleeps on the green recliner with blankets), which for those of you who know Chloe, is highly unusual, as she is either usually causing havoc by eating toilet paper, chasing bagheera, or whining to be let out... or sitting drectly on top of marco and I , pawing and licking us to death....but no, she is comotose on the floor...everyone once in a while, the TV will make dog sounds and her ears will move, but literally that is the extent of the activity....i guess WATCHING the dogs do strenous activity was just too much for her...I do have to remember this is the dog that needed a 20 minute nap AT spring lake park last time we walked there before we headed back. For those non-townies, its like 1/3 of a mile form our house, if that, across flat ground. We thought we were going to have to carry her 8 lb ass back to the house...clearly, she is beyond domesticated....I wish we could trade out her lazy gene and get rid of her need to hunt squirrels and possums in our back yard....silly spotted doggy..

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

license to breed

i have come to the conclusion that people should need licenses to have children...yes i know that sound "horrible" of me, even "nazi" esquw........i am NOT proposingselective breeding or anyhitng like that.....but frankly i dont care what you may or maynot think. Iam dead serio0us. We need licenses to drive cars and we get rid of them every few years!
The reason i feel this way was again re-itterated today while doing chart reviews on the lovely unit i work on that deals mostly with adolescent girls. You hear stories about bad parents and usually think "oh the kids are just being dramatic"....well, in many of these girls' cases, they actaully arent being dramatic.....many of hte girls we see have parents who call them fat and ugly and useless or who are drug addicts or have their own serious issues....several of our clients have been raped or molested by a parent...and let me tell you once that happens you are pretty much fucked up for hte rest of your life, for good reason!.....and then people wonder why these people have so ,amy problems!!! So, if you need to give people a license to have children, i think that many of our socal service and mental health costs in this country will be cut down becuase dumb ass unresponsible jackasses wont be having and raising and fucking up their poor children....and now i am done venting for the day! :)