Friday, May 1, 2009

guilty pleasure

Guilty Pleasure #4 - Britney Spears
Yes, I am ashamed to type was actually almost my guilty pleasure number 1, but i talked myslef out of admiting how much i like her and her music....but i've come around, because i dont think i am alone.
i have liked her since "oh baby baby" came out when i was in High school...there is just comething genious about shaking your ass in a slutty school girl outfit....yes, i realize that she has no musical talent whatsoever and as a person who is somewhat musical, i should hate her and admonish her for spreading her digitallymastered crap all over the airwaves and taking attendion away from REAL musicians/artist.......
but whatever....her songs are catchy, seductive and freakin' fun...there is nothing like singin "toxic" or "oops i did it again" at the top of you lungs.....when britney was crazy, i actually felt bad for her...I was rooting for her....the poor girl jsut needed some freakin' lithium!!!! Now i actually have recently downloaded "circus" "womenizer" and even "If you seak Amy" --which, by the way, is a shitty and genious song at the same time; however, i love it.....sad, sad, sad...i dont even LIKE club music- go figure!
So , that is my latest guilty pleasure....hopefully you all have some sort of respect left for me!

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