Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I am trying to blog everyday...except, i dont think i have something witty, or exciting to say everyday.....Life tends to get into routines, which is fine...but it doesnt make great blogging materials.
For instance, my day:
woke up, went to work, treated a bazillion patients, including my somewhat cranky gorup today, left owrk, helped babysit for 45 minutes, drove home, went to dinner, took down the kayaks, took a shower, fed the dogs (late, sorry puppies), sat my ass on hte couch to blog, stalk people on Facebook, check the tabloids (and CNN and Huffington) and watch TV.....

Not great bloggin materials...im sure you all are fast asleep. Hopefully i will have greater materials for tomorrow...perhaps some pictures from LBI i will steal from Merry or Angie or some pictures of MAco and I trying to teach Angie how to ride a bike (also interesting)....we'll see!

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